
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

You Expect Tomorrow

You Expect Tomorrow

Photograph by Sara Nichols

We hope the overall tone of this Just Aneissa Blog is evident. We are all about living your best life and taking advantage of the time you are given. The goal is to give 100% with each task. Each aspect of my life is essential, and we strive to handle every component with excellence. Not everyone thinks this way, and that’s where it becomes challenging.

So many people are content with being mediocre. Work ethic, church attendance, and personal presentation all have diminished in recent years, and it is a bit frightening. The drive to be the best version of yourself has vanished and been replaced with a “never try, never fail” attitude. Of course, there are people in this generation who are exceptions to this rule, but the majority of people have a lukewarm mindset when it comes to most areas of life. It’s because you expect tomorrow.

Planning for the future is natural. It almost seems reckless if we don’t. We have to schedule a trip to the grocery store for our meals this week. You send out invitations to parties because you want the loved ones invited to block out that time in their schedule for an event. We make plans today so that we can fulfill them tomorrow, but tomorrow is not promised. The reality of life is our days are short and full of trouble. (Job 14:1) You expect tomorrow, so your senses begin to dull. Your eyes start to linger on things you should not look at, and people begin to trust you with gossip because they know you’ll listen. We are not living in the intensity of uncertainty.

Have you ever been in a dark room and you could just feel someone was about to jump out and scare you? It makes you more alert and you prepare yourself. You know something is about to happen. That same mentality should be applied to the way we live our daily life. As children of The Lord, we should be more sober-minded in our daily actions. We must keep the surety of The Lord's return at the forefront of our thoughts. All we have is today, this moment that we are currently in is the only thing guaranteed.

Matthew 24:36 King James Version

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”

I John 2:28 King James Version

“And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.”

I John 2:28 New American Study Bible

“Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from Him in shame at His coming.”

Are we saying walk on eggshells, and stay in the house until the coming of The Lord? Absolutely not, we are supposed to fill our days with purpose. We do need to tighten up the screws on our daily physical and spiritual routines. We must be intentional with our today. Do not tithe in finances alone, tithe time to the Lord. Cultivate an intimate dialog, and you will notice new depths in your relationship with Him. Let’s collectively endeavor to reach for excellence in everything we do. Being the hardest worker in the room will always have benefits. Remember, we represent The Lord at all times, in all manner of speech and dress. If we sow our best today, we will reap in our tomorrow if the Lord tarries.

How Your Perspective Can Change Your Relationship With God

How Your Perspective Can Change Your Relationship With God

Worshipful Waiting

Worshipful Waiting