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Rush Cycle

Rush Cycle

Let me preface this by saying my athletic ability is almost nonexistent. I’m active, but not athletic. So when I decided to join a 6:00 am Rush Cycle class (with the most athletic person I know), I had no idea what was truly in for.

The process:

So first step in your Rush Cycle experience is booking the class and claiming your seat. Since I wanted to start the day with my exercise endorphins flowing and my energy high, I booked the second earliest class of the day at 6:00 am with a very energetic instructor. After the booking process, I just had to wait in suspense until the time came.

What happened:

When I arrived at the Rush Cycle facility, still very groggy for apparent reasons, the atmosphere was electric. Clean white colors and bursts of orange accents filled the walls, and the music was bumping. People were interacting as if it wasn't still dark outside; I was mesmerized! So I head to the front desk and unintentionally mumble my name to the Olympic Barbie behind the counter. She was so cheery and excited about my first ride; there was a welcome sign on my little locker! I just thought I was a morning person; these Rush Cycle girls are next level.

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So I get to my locker, and another Rush Cycle Barbie was waiting for me to help me get these shoes on. Rush Cycle shoes are like white tennis shoes with metal clamps on the bottom to click on top of the pedals. Barb walks me into the almost entirely pitch black room with glow in the dark lights and shows me to my bike. She does some adjusting because I was obviously shorter than the rider before me. She lets me know how all the gadgets on the bike work and just tells me to get pedaling for a warmup.

6:00 am rolls around, and the most energetic person I've ever seen starts playing these insanely loud beats, and it's time to begin. The class is fine at first; I'm astonished at how well I can keep up. It wasn't until sometime later I start to think to myself, "Oh man, am I going to be able to walk tomorrow?" I look down at the clock for this one hour class, and it reads 8:56! I thought that was so hilarious, I wasn't even ten minutes in, and I was exhausted. Every moment after that was so intense. Between the music, the lights, and my instructor, Lisa shouting positive vibes, I was in the zone. I tried to stay in a safe range because I do not work out often. I didn't want to suffer too much from jelly legs. The workout consists of sequences of repetitive events, like any regular workout just on a stationary bike.


Would I recommend:

Since you are reading this it is safe to assume I survived, but in what condition is the question. It was actually exhilarating. I am writing this the day of, so I'm not sure how I will feel in the morning. Currently praying + stretching. If you are athletic and you enjoy high energy (and volume) workout environments. Rush Cycle is 100% for you! The first class is free, and I think anyone who is interested should definitely feel the rush.


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