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Worry Wart

Worry Wart

You know this person, there is one under every roof. If you do not have someone in your family who unnecessarily worries about every little thing, it is probably you who holds the title of a worry wart. To worry is to carry the troubles of tomorrow with the strength of today. Worry can lead to emotional stress and inevitably trigger health problems. As children of The Lord, anxiety should take up the smallest space of our mind. It is natural to deal with a small amount of torment for the unknown, especially as a planner or analyst. To continually live in a state of mental turmoil is unnatural and unhealthy. Too often, we place our trust in things, machines, and unfortunately, people who will let us down. We worry about things we can easily change, and some spend way too much of our God-given time worrying about things absolutely out of our control. When situations start to get overwhelming, breathe, and understand worry is a mental tornado that can easily be avoided.

Fear God & Nothing Else

Luke 12:1-34

I am declaring this to myself as well, but we all need a reminder. Slowing down and processing information is a lost art. When people have devastating news, they tend to lead with the worst bit of information first. Its human nature to purge the bad before the good. I am a living witness to the crippling components of fear and worry. The older I get, the more it astounds me to know nothing surprises The Lord. What you are worried about, the little record that is spinning round and round in your mind is no surprise to Him. Your path is perfect. That is why the Bible says His Word is a lamp unto your feet. (Psalm 119:105) If The Lord instantly revealed everything you were going to go through for the duration of your lifetime; you might not want in on the situation.


Deuteronomy 9:1-10:22

Never try never fail used to be a legitimate thinking pattern for me. There were a few years of my life where I never ventured out for fear of humiliating myself. Part of growing older means realizing no one is perfect. In fact, the more you get out and try new things, the more well rounded and useful you become to The Lord. His grace is sufficient, and His mercies are new every morning. The beauty you share within your own life should be on a similar rotation. Be quick to learn and quick to recalculate.

Know Your Worth

Luke 12:7 NIV

Relationships breed confidence. Think about the early stages of a relationship, couples who are getting to know each other are usually not comfortable enough to do or say things on the same level as a pair who have been married for five decades. Over time, doors start opening, and the bond becomes stronger. They are slowly starting to figure out their worth toward one another. The same parallels with your relationship toward The Lord. A large portion of worry is miscommunication. When a thought or concept is communicated poorly, this could lead to fear and confusion, but when there is a healthy relationship, and trust is established. Anxiety has no place in the presence of those we trust.

Five Ways To Calm The Beast Inside:

1. Think about the future

-Mentally fast forward through your current situation, and focus on making it to a desired result. Then, take the necessary steps to achieve your goal.

2. Accept the unknown

-Cross that bridge when you get there, easier said than done.

3. Intercept negative thoughts

-Stress does not pay rent; there's no space for it in your mind!

4. Don't ignore the tears

-Cry all you want about it. Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes maximum. Let the snot run and your chest heave. When you are done, dry your eyes, drink a glass of water, and never cry over that concern again.

5. Pay it forward

-Nothing makes me happier than paying for the person being me in the Starbucks line. It might be strange, but it is a fantastic feeling to know you have made someone's day. If you incorporate an act of kindness regularly, your perception begins to change opening up space for positivity and life becomes more meaningful.

Worry is an intense internal struggle, and the longer you allow negative thoughts to fester in your mind, the more significant concern grows. Fear is only allowed the energy and time you give it. When you whole-heartily trust in The Lord's care and provision, you are relieving yourself of a burden you were never meant to carry.

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