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Seven Surfaces You May Have Forgotten About

Seven Surfaces You May Have Forgotten About

Do you have all your bases covered when it comes to keeping a safe, sanitized space? Spring cleaning does not just apply to the rooms in your home. Now is the perfect time to cleanse + disinfect items and surfaces you use regularly. Here are a few household items to pay special attention to this COVID-19 season.

Cell phones

A day in the life: you touch filthy surfaces, then use your thumbs + fingers to text and touch all over your phone. You receive a call, and what is the first thing you do? Place the surface of your phone on your beautiful face! Cleanse the surface, sides, and back of your cell phone nightly to avoid the spread of germs and bacteria.

Light switches + doorknobs

One of the first items you touch upon entering a room is a doorknob or a light switch. These items become infested with grime and the DNA of the person who was in there before you. (and the person before them, and the person before them) Sanitize household light switches and doorknobs regularly with Lysol or your desired disinfectant and allow them to air dry.

Vehicle steering wheel

Imagine all the things your touch within the day. Cellphones, light switches, doorknobs, and food items. Then, you hop in the car to drive away, and you grab the steering wheel. Most vehicle steering wheels have an easy-to sanitize surface. Grime + bacteria sit on top, making it extremely simple to be transferred. Sanitize frequently, especially if multiple members of the family drive the same vehicle.

Faucets + handles

Be sure to sanitize the toilet flushing handle, after you use that is when your hands are at their germiest. The hot/cold faucet handles need extra love during this season as well. Spray them down with a germ-killing sanitizer and let them air dry.

The family computer

Touch screen devices and laptops are a breeding ground for yucky germs. Whether multiple members share tools, or this is precisely your piece of technology. Take the time to find out what type of cleanser works best for your screens and say goodbye to microscopic uninvited houseguests.

Keep it extra clean this season. Routinely wash your hands and sanitize items you frequently touch. Make sure you and your loved one have taken the necessary precautions during these uncertain times.

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